Monday, November 12, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day12

Today I am thankful for BOOBIES!!!!!!  Yes BOOBIES!!  Why you ask..  I am thankful that I was/am able to breast feed my children.  Not only have we saved almost 3,000 on formula but I feel so attached to my children.  Peanut nursed for 9 months and I pumped for him for 9 months.  Beanie nursed for 26 months and Pixie is still going STRONG at 8 months!!  I love knowing that I am making my babies stronger and healthier.  I love the bonding that is done while nursing.  The look in the baby's eyes makes my heart warm and happy.  I feel as though I am starting my children off "right" by giving them natures perfect milk.  When we moved to SC Pixie and I flew to make it less stressful on her.  18 hours in a car seat is too long for such a small little one.  We flew through BWI and we ended up being "stuck" there for about 5 more hours than we were supposed to be.  We were seated near another mom and 1 year old.  She had to water down 2 of his bottles because she didn't have enough formula powder with her.  At that moment I was happy to be nursing because I always have the right amount of food with me and don't have to worry about getting "stuck" somewhere.  I have to take a moment here and thank my DH for sticking it out with Peanut.  If I had given up I probably would have had to worry about having enough formula powder with me that day.  So thank you DH for supporting my want to breast feed our babies!!

The most important piece of advice I have for a new mom who is struggling with breast feeding is "Stick with it baby will get it".  It is a learning process for both mom and baby.

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