Friday, September 24, 2010

93 days

I can't believe that it took 93 days and a five day cycle of meds for me to get my monthly friend. What the hell is up with that. I hope the docs figure it out before that happens again. Does anyone know anything about insulin resistance? If you do hook me up with a good dr in the wny area.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Phew Its been a long time

Wow so here we go!

I don't even know where to start! Peanut started Kindergarten this fall. He is doing great! His teacher loves having him in class and so far as I can tell he loves school. We made the decission to put him in Catholic school in the spring when I had my melt down about school. Next to home schooling I couldn't be happier with the choice we made. I always feel welcome when I walk into the school. The office staff and the principal know me by name!!

I have been doing a major clean out of the house! GOOD BYE CLUTTER!!! You are no longer wanted!!! lol! I am going to start working on the basement soon! Craft area here I come!!!

Beanie is getting speach therapy 2x a week and he is actually starting to talk! YES!! He says the cutest things. Now if only ppl outside the home could understand what he was saying that would be awesome. I can't believe he is going to be 3 soon! Where has the time gone!

One of the major things that is going on at our house right now is the decission to have a 3rd child or not. I am having some medical issues that I wish I could get to the bottom of. That would make me and my hubby too really really happy. Other than that it is all based on finances and the lack there of. We are not dead in the water so to speak but it would be nice to say that we had a little extra money after each pay check. Ahhhh maybe some day. My heart really wants another child and my brain says we can't afford it so I guess we will just have to wait and see. I have been around some ppl lately that are family of a few of my friends that are getting pregnant so that they can get more food stamps and wic etc. The only problem with that is they don't take care of the children they have so they really don't have any business having more but they do it anyway.

Even with all of that being said...... I thank god everyday for my family and the things we have. I am really thankful that the children that we do have are happy heathy and extremely smart! almost too smart!!! I hope that in the next few months things turn around for us. It would make things a lot less stressfull.

Well thats all for now!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Conflicting thoughts

So recently I got the papers to register peanut for kindergarden. My thoughts are that I am not ready to have him gone all day in a school setting. I want to home school my husband says no. Where do I go to find supporting information to home schooling? Facts numbers etc that show my husband that peanut is not going to end up a sheltered unsocialized child? Help me out. Post some links for me of legit sites that he can read up on. I guess I don't really want the school system raising my kids I want to do it. One of the most alarming things that I have read so far is that home schooled children only need 2 and a half hours of instruction a day. What are they doing the rest of the time they spend in school??? I'll write more later I just wanted to get that off my chest!