Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 15

Today I am thankful for date night.  DH and I went to our "meeting" as the children call it.  It is really marriage counseling.  After we went to a THAI restaurant.  It was AMAZING!!  My tummy is still happy.  We played a game while at dinner too.  We put our cell phones on the table face down,  Who ever picked up the cell phone first had to pay for dinner.  I'll have you know that I WON!!  There are not many games I win at against DH but today I won.  Not that it really mattered because the money would have been pulled from the same account no matter who won or lost but it was still fun.  I am really enjoying this time with DH and Ashley too.  She comes along because I am the food LOL.  It makes me feel like we are dating all over again.  We really enjoy the time that we get to spend together because it doesn't happen often.  I hope to keep doing the date nights after we "finish" the marriage counseling.  It makes me feel like I have more purpose in life and it gives me an excuse to dress up or at least do my hair.

We had lunch at SPARC today.  DH suggested that I invite some friends.  I ended up inviting the two people that have really helped me out in the transition to South Carolina.  Shockingly they both got to come!!  The food was yummy and the company was awesome!  One of the friends that I invited also went to Hobby Lobby with me.  We had a good time just walking through the store looking at all of the nifty stuff.  My intention was to get a craft or something for me to do in the car on our road trip but I ended up getting the fixings for some Christmas presents!  Most of them were on sale too.  Beanie was actually really, really good in the store.  Pixie was awesome too.  She doesn't say much though.  I hope all of the Christmas gifts come out the way I want them too.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Days 13 and 14

Day 13 I was thankful for baths.  Pixie decided she was going to poop all over EVERYTHING!!  so after I cleaned her up I decided to take a bath with her.  This is something that I have done with all of my children.  It was so nice to see her relax in the water.  She was kicking her feet and giggling.  She also decided she wanted to nurse while in the tub.  I love nursing in the tub it is very relaxing for both of us.

Day 14  Today I am thankful for naps and snuggle time with my babies.  Last night Pixie and I were laying in my bed.  She was laying in the middle of the bed and I was laying on my side of the bed working on the computer.  About 15 minutes in she started fussing so I put the computer down and rubbed her belly.  We both fell asleep and slept for about 3 hours.  I typically don't sleep with my babies in the bed but DH was awake and keeping an eye on us.  It was so nice just to relax with Pixie!!!  Pixie enjoyed the nap too.  She was all warm and snuggly with her paci.  I hope everyone takes the time to snuggle their babies!!  Sometimes we forget the most precious moments in life.  I hope to snuggle with my princess more often.  I also know two little princes that love to snuggle too.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day12

Today I am thankful for BOOBIES!!!!!!  Yes BOOBIES!!  Why you ask..  I am thankful that I was/am able to breast feed my children.  Not only have we saved almost 3,000 on formula but I feel so attached to my children.  Peanut nursed for 9 months and I pumped for him for 9 months.  Beanie nursed for 26 months and Pixie is still going STRONG at 8 months!!  I love knowing that I am making my babies stronger and healthier.  I love the bonding that is done while nursing.  The look in the baby's eyes makes my heart warm and happy.  I feel as though I am starting my children off "right" by giving them natures perfect milk.  When we moved to SC Pixie and I flew to make it less stressful on her.  18 hours in a car seat is too long for such a small little one.  We flew through BWI and we ended up being "stuck" there for about 5 more hours than we were supposed to be.  We were seated near another mom and 1 year old.  She had to water down 2 of his bottles because she didn't have enough formula powder with her.  At that moment I was happy to be nursing because I always have the right amount of food with me and don't have to worry about getting "stuck" somewhere.  I have to take a moment here and thank my DH for sticking it out with Peanut.  If I had given up I probably would have had to worry about having enough formula powder with me that day.  So thank you DH for supporting my want to breast feed our babies!!

The most important piece of advice I have for a new mom who is struggling with breast feeding is "Stick with it baby will get it".  It is a learning process for both mom and baby.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 11

Today I am thankful for weekends!!!!  I am thankful for the family time that we get to share on the weekends.  Today we walked up the Ravenal Bridge after church and lunch.  I took over 1,000 pictures of they kids in the park and on the bridge!  It was so much fun I can't wait until DH and I can walk the whole thing by ourselves and take more pictures.  DH was smiling all day today.  That really made me happy.  Peanut and Beanie seemed to enjoy looking down at the river off the bridge and chasing each other.  We are getting excited for our family trip this weekend too.  We are going to Buffalo to celebrate Thanksgiving and see our friends and family.  I can't wait to see everyone.  I am not looking forward to the cold weather though.  Hopefully it will be semi nice while we are there.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 10

Today I am thankful for my parents.  I am thankful that they unknowingly taught me how to deal with situations as they arise.  We had a situation with inappropriate words being taught to my 4 year old by an older child,  Peanut came in and said that Beanie was saying bad words.  So I handled it the best way I knew how.  Divide and conquer   After a bit of talking to each child and watching DH make strange faces as I calmly said these words to the boys, I realized that I did all of the same things that my parents used to do to us!  As I was doing this I realized that maybe I do know what I am doing!!  DH said that he didn't know what to do or what to think or how to act.  The only thing he said was that he was pissed and overwhelmed.  I think he was happy I knew what to do.  I then realized that he grew up with only one sibling instead of 2 and that made a difference in how discipline was handled at his house.  It was weird for me because things felt natural for me to just do and talk.  I am thankful that they disciplined us as children.  I probably wasn't then but I am now.  So thank you mom and dad for disciplining me!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 9

Today I am thankful for my neighbors Sarah and Kay.  They have really welcomed our family in their homes and have helped me so much with the transition from Buffalo to Charleston.  I was very blessed today to get to spend the day with Sarah helping her with and learning about her daughter.  I love her daughters so much! Sarah is an awesome person!!  She is very easy to talk to and we can both relate to each others situations.
Kay is an awesome lady that will help you in any way she can!!  I really enjoy spending time with her and helping her out where ever I can.  She helps me out so much I don't think words could describe how appreciative of her I am.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Days 7 and 8

On day 7 I was thankful that some of our Florida family came to Charleston for a visit.  It was nice to show them around town.  We went and had dinner at Vickories on the water.  The black and blue burger was awesome!!  I really enjoyed the company and the sunset.

Today I am thankful for SPARC.  That is the company my DH works for.  This company has totally changed our lives.  We are so lucky to live in an awesome city.  I am starting to feel more and more at home here every day and have been meeting some really nice people!  The weather is even bearable now and guess what.  I DON'T MISS THE SNOW ONE BIT!!!!!!  Just thought I would throw that in there!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 6

Today I am thankful for CJ!! He always finds a way to make you smile. Well tonight he was sleep walking and came down the stairs and must have thought he was in the bathroom by the kitchen. He peed on the tv down the front of the tv cabinet and on the floor. I can't wait to see if he remembers coming downstairs in the morning. Lets be clear that I am not mad and I actually laughed my ass off because if I didn't I would have cried!! So today I am thankful for CJ and the way that he "keeps it real" I hope he grows out of this quickly!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 5

Today I am thankful for Pixie!!  She was born at 27 weeks and spent 62 days in the NICU at Sisters of Charity Hospital in Buffalo New York.  I am thankful that she is perfectly healthy and thriving!!  Today is actually her 8 month birthday!!  I took the picture of her up against her Piglet stuffed animal today.  When she was born the Piglet was way bigger than she was.  I like to try and take a picture of her with it on her month birthdays.  I am so proud of how far she has come since the day she was born.  She is babbling like crazy, she is really close to saying Mama, and she has rolled over once!!!!!  I still can't believe that she is here to bless me with a daughter!!  I love her so much!!  Peanut and Beanie love her too.  Beanie loves her so much that he can't keep his hands off of her.  Her smile can brighten even the worst of moods.  If I ever need a pick me up I just look at Pixie and remember how grateful I am for her.  I am also thankful for the Sisters of Charity Hospital NICU team!!  Without them she wouldn't be here today.  I hope to take Pixie for a visit when we go up to Buffalo in November but we will have to see what happens.  Pixie I am so proud of how far you have come!  I am so excited to see you grow and learn everyday. xoxoxoxo Mommy :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 4

Today I am thankful for my homes!!  Yes I said homes!!  I am thankful that I have a roof over my head and a warm comfortable place to call home.  A place to protect me from what ever mother nature throws at us.  Depending on which home we are at it could be snow or ran!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 3

Today I am thankful for my children.  I am thankful that they are all healthy and thriving.  I love them more than anything.  They are truly the reason that I get up in the morning,  Watching my children learn new things makes me so happy and proud to be their mommy.  One of my favorite things about being a mom is that I get to create memories with them and give them experiences that my parents gave to me.  I get to watch their little personalities form.  It makes me smile to know that I was blessed with them.  The unconditional love that they give is awesome.  No matter if I am having a good day or a bad day seeing one of them smile at me  makes my day a little brighter.  I am very proud of my children.  I am proud of each of them for different things.  Peanut is so smart and such a helper.  I am proud of the little gentlemen he has become.  Beanie is so full of energy and willing to talk to or play with just about any child that crosses his path,  I am proud of Pixie for over coming all that she has been through.  I love to watch her little feet kick while she is laying in her bed.  My dad tells me all of the time that I used to kick like that when I was a baby.  Here's to watching my three blessings grow into happy healthy adults!!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 2

Well today's post is going to be interesting.....

So I was on my buffalomommies sight tonight just "flipping" through the pages and came across a post about a mom who had a vaginal birth with her first baby but because she is having Fibroid surgery this month will have to have C sections for any following children.  She stated that she felt like her body was broken and that she felt like less of a women.  I felt that I had to reply because I have sooo been there.

I responded with something like this:

Okay so my opinion is this....  After having a CS with my first baby I felt that my body was broken and that my body failed me.  After my second baby a failed VBAC and tons of pain from head to toe I really felt a lot of guilt and dispare and a huge struggle with ppd because of the fact that I couldn't have the birth I wanted.  After working at a hospital in Buffalo as a newborn photographer  I was CURED.  While at work one day I did pictures of an angel baby.  It was the first time that I was going to do this.  I entered the room to find mom, dad and the brother holding the baby and in tears.  I struggled to hold my composure during the photos.  At one point during the photo session I "forgot" that the baby was an angel baby and picked her up.  I will never forget that feeling.  I will not share the details of that feeling out of respect for readers that have had angel babies.  After the photo session I was CURED!!!  I decided that at the end of the day it doesn't matter how a baby is born as long as it comes out healthy and breathing.  It takes a lot for me to say that because I used to get so angry and upset when people would say it to me.  I was cured of any self doubt or self judgement or misjudgment of what birth "should" be.  I can remember actually saying to my DH to sign me up for a cs because I wanted healthy breathing babies.  I am especially thankful that a cs is possible as my daughter was born at 27 weeks and spent 62 days in the hospital. Even if I had a VBAC the second time around I still would have had a cs the 3rd time because I was very very sick. I had a classical cs and was advised not to have any more babies because I was so sick. I am just thankful that I have 3 HEALTHY strong babies to love on and snuggle. I love watching them grow and learn. I wouldn't change it a bit and would do it all over again to have the beautiful babies I have. Try to look at the bright side of the situation you had a vaginal birth so you know what that's like. Those darn fibroids will be gone and you can STILL have BABIES!!. And look at it this way... you get a little siesta in the hospital after the baby because it is a longer stay. 
I really feel that god has a plan for us and he/she knows what he/she wants or has in store for us.  I feel that Pixie was supposed to be born at 27 weeks to make me a stronger person and a better mother.  After I had her while I was still in the hospital I did the why me what did I do wrong thing.  Then about 3 weeks in a baby was born at 25 weeks on the sidewalk of the hospital and was very very sick.  I then said to myself..  "She was born in a controlled situation and got the steroids for her lungs and she is FINE other than needing to be in the hospital.  Pixie is my miracle child and I love her so much she was given to me early so that I could stop for a moment and see the important things in life. One of those things or pieces of advice comes from my cousin... "your children don't care where they live as long as they live with you"  That piece of advice has made me a stronger person.

So today I am thankful for MEDICAL ADVANCEMENT and My Dr, Dr. Susan Erk and her husband who did an awesome job at making one of the scariest moments in our life a little easier!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks Day 1

Let's see if I can do this. Today is day 1.  Today I am Thankful for the nurses and Dr's that treated me the night I was admitted to Sisters Of Charity Hospital for knowing what was wrong with me. Also for their swift actions to start treating the pre eclampsia, Words will never describe how thankful I am.  I am also thankful for my Father in law.  He got me to the hospital safely and stayed with me until my mom arrived!!